About Me

Bernard Welchman – About Me

When I left school, I trained as a shop manager but after five years decided that I wanted a change and trained as a wood machinist becoming self employed. In the past I have produced everything from window frames to intricate shaped wood items for historic houses. After about fifteen years I found that the dust had affected my chest and had to make another change of career.

I had always had an interest in history and previously had carried out research into my family and also friends’ family. With the support of wife, I started my own genealogical business and whilst it was a struggle for a few years it did become successful and I was lucky enough to travel around the UK and U.S.A. giving talks on the subject, as well as carrying out research, writing and giving the occasional radio broadcast.

In 2015 I suffered a mild stroke and decided that after over twenty years on research, I could not do the travelling and the hours required to continue. My work time went from twelve hours plus day to nothing, which was a real shock to the system. After a few weeks I decided that I would buy a lathe and tools and do some turning for something to do. After a few months I found that I really enjoyed making pens.

My other passion is wildlife and the environment and I found that I could find wood that could be reused and recycled so started producing pens for sale made from recycled furniture that was no use for anything else and seeking out off cuts that were of no use except for burning. So have been able to indulge in my two passions.

Thank you for looking – Bernard Welchman

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